Esp32, ssd1306, weather data display (No.4 )
Nowadays, the weather forecast became more accurate. You can search in the internet and get information. It is very nice. However, I thought it might be nicer if I have a display which tells the weather data. I used website called open weather map. This is a little bit complicated project because involving request data, receive data and extract data. The theory So, the theory is esp32 request data to open weather map. Then open weather map send the data as Jason format. So, we extract the data we want from that format. Then we display the data to the organic LED display. Necessary equipment 1. ESP32 ( WiFi module ) 2. SSD1306 (Organic LED display ) Connection ESP32 <---> SSD1306 3.3V <---> Vin GND <---> GND D22 <---> SCL D21 <---> SDA Code #include <WiFiClient.h> #include <HTTPClient.h> #include <ArduinoJson.h> #include<Wire.h> // #in...