Arduino uno, dht11, ssd1306, humidity display (No.3)
It is important to maintain the relative humidity in your room. It is said that maintaining 40~60% is good. If it`s too low, it will have some damage to your skin and your breathing. When it`s too high, there`s a higher the room might become moldy.
And there`s a relation between feels like temperature and the humidity. It says that as humidity rises 10%, the feels like temperature also rises around 1℃. It is because, when the humidity is high, the less water evaporate from your skin.
I installed this system because in winter the room tends to get dry, and made it as an indicator in order to humidify.
For more details, visit here.
Let`s get into the project.
1. Arduino uno
2. dht11
3. ssd1306
Dht11 is a sensor that detects, relative humidity and temperature. I used ssd1306, it is called Organic LED display. It creates a beautiful color compared with LCD display.
arduino uno <---> dht11
D2 <---> Signal
5V <---> VIN
GND <---> GND
arduino uno <---> ssd1306
5V <---> VIN
GND <---> GND
A5 <--> SCL
A4 <---> SDA
( will upload later)
Very cool!